Saturday, November 17, 2007

I broke my leg

How many strange things happened the last few weeks! First my daughter's birthday, the next day, the worst fires in California's history. We hardly slept and listened non stop to the news, just in case we had to evacuate. We went to a friend's house by the sea for 2 days. At the same time, work continued, fire or not. The smoke was so intense, it was hard to even walk a few steps without feeling out of breath. So we thought a few days in L.A., will be a nice break. And it started that way, the fires of San Diego seemed far away! But Sunday the 28th, I went to take the dog out and missed one step, landed on the grass, slipped and strained my left leg. I felt I would fall backward on my back, so I tried to catch myself with my right leg, and it cracked twice and I knew I broke it. Impossible to move, intense pain and a feeling my leg turned to cement, impossible to put the foot down. Emergency care at the Century City Hospital. Same day surgery! Four nights at the hospital, back to San Diego, a friend drove us back. No walking for me or driving for at least 10 more weeks. My company installed everything for me to work at home and it's good to be busy instead of thinking of my situation. I wish that to no one. Two broken bones, 10 screws, a brooch in the leg. I will ring forever at the airport. Thank G for the friends, my company and family who called me, wrote to me and are helping me. Please send in your stories, your pictures. I am working from home now and I have more time to build the blog.


Anonymous said...

chere Mme Mellul,
je suis tres desole pour ce qui vous ait arrive dans votre dernier femme Judit et moi meme
vous souhaitons un prompt retablissement et une excellente sante.
a bientot,
David et Judit Eldan

Simone Foinquinos Lund said...

Chers M. et Mme Eldan,

Ceci n'est pas arrive a Mme Mellul, mais a moi, Simone Foinquinos Lund, je suis sa cousine et j'administre ce blog. Donc rassurez vous et bonne journee,


Armando Bonilla Foinquinos said...

Lamento mucho el accidente que sufriste.
Te deseo una pronta recuperacion.
Un abrazo

mff64 said...

bonjour je m'appelle marie françoise foenquinos et vit en France peut etre avons nous un lien de parenté meme si le nom ne s'ecrit pas tout a fait de la meme façon si vous voulez me contacter j'en serais ravie a bientot j'espere mff64

Simone Foinquinos Lund said...

Veuillez laisser votre email quand vous ecrivez. Merci