Friday, September 28, 2007

Fortunato Foinquinos Attias

Mi abuelo Fortunato, segun una Carta de Identidad del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Peru, nacio en 1881 y era de nacionalidad Brasilera. Entiendo que nacio en Tanger, pero no tengo ninguna constancia, documento o prueba.
A continuacion copio una parte del documento "La vida de Moyses y Abraham Pinto en la Jungla del Amazonas " , donde hacen referencia a mis bis-abuelos Rafael y Sara:

"En mi primer viaje que hice 1881-82 desde Teffé al río "Javary" llegamos a un lugarcito que se llama "Tomantinos" donde estaba establecido Rafael Foinquinos con su mujer, Sara Attias, cuya hija aún existe aquí en Tanger, y se llama Rahma. "

My grandfather Fortunato, according to ID issue by Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Peru, was born in 1881 and he was Brasilian citizen.I understand that he was born in Tanger but I haven't any document.

According to Abraham Pinto Memories, my bis grandparents Rafael Foinquinos and Sara Attias were located between 1881-1882 in "Tomantinos", now called "Tonantins" in Brazil.


Simone Foinquinos Lund said...
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Simone Foinquinos Lund said...

Thank you Armando for contributing a photo and referring to a document that show that Fortunato was Bresilian. Everyone in Peru and in Brazil, seems to have him as their grand father or great grand father.
Do you know what was his occupation? Did he stay in Brazil or move to Peru or eventually return to Tangier?

I found a link to the region of the Amazonas, where the place Rafael & Sara Attias lived was located, deep inside the Amazonas. The link is:

Anonymous said...

Estimado Sr. le escribo por que estoy haciendo mi arbol genealogico y encontre su pagina y el nombre de Sarah Attias casada con tio Rafael me es conocido queria saber si ella es hija de Aicha y Moses en Tanger y si no se que es familia mia y deseaba saber cual es su coneccion conmigo,Tambien el Sr. Fortunato debe ser familiar mio ya que a mi tio le pusieron de nombre fortunato por un tio . Yo soy nieta de Leon M. Attias y Raquel Elaluf de Attias
sin mas att.

Anonymous said...

I wander if you can help me?
Do you happen to have any information on Mosef Seff Moayusess, Consul Honoraire Larache Morocco in 1931.
Thank you

Simone Foinquinos Lund said...

Dear Anonymous,

When you leave a comment, please put your email address or we cannot even try to help you. I will forward the copy of your message to the genealogist, she might know something about this person. S