Monday, September 17, 2007

Shana Tova

Shana Tova to our family, thay you may all find harmony, health, happiness and success. This will be a memorable year to find each other and maybe meet somewhere in the world. What a great reunion that will be! Love, Simone F. Lund


Daniel Foinquinos said...

What a wonderful idea is this blog!!! Mazal TOv !!

Simone Foinquinos Lund said...

I found Daniel Foinquinos de Melo's name thru yahoo groups and wrote to him and without hesitation he wrote me back and talked about our family in Manaus, Brazil. He is a medical student at the university, and I invited him to go visit the family in Israel anytime he wants to. He, in turn, invited us all to Brazil, the land of Bossa Nova. Manaus must be so mysterious, in the middle of the Amazonia, maybe you already visited Simone M. de Haifa. Daniel, please give the blog address to your family, they can contribute in spanish, french or english. If they write in Portuguese, we'll need your help to translate. Thanks, Simone L.