Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jonas Foinquinos and Bensadon

As I said in my previous post, Jonas (Yona) Foinquinos was married to Reine Bensadon
daughter of Rabbi Abraham Bensadon, Rabbi of the Island of San Miguel in the Azores and a prominent Kabbalist. This is an anecdote about Rabbi Bensadon.
In October 1849, while he was in Tangier, he was mistreated badly by a group of Moslems, this provoqued a serious diplomatic incident as Rabbi Abraham was a French National.
One day that he was wandering in the streets of the city predicting the close arrival of Messianic times and the revenge of the jews, a crowd of Moslems challenged him. As this event was close to the entrance of a Mosque, they also wanted to force him to take off his shoes as a sign of submission to Islam. (Jews are considered by Islam as Dhimmis - second class people)
Of course, he refused and he was beaten severely.
As He was French, the French Charge d'Affaires M. de Chasteau, considered the affair as an
insult to his country and nearly declared war on Morocco.
France demanded the Moroccan authorities to apologize and that the responsible be punished
otherwise there will be military retaliation. The Moroccan authorities finally accepted.
Simone M. Foinquinos


Simone Foinquinos Lund said...

Almost declaring a war! This kind of incident happened in Morocco but jews were usually treated better there that they were in Europe. During WW2, a lot of European jews and non jews, escaped deportation by fleeing to Morocco thru Tangier and Casablanca. Jews as a whole prospered in Morocco and could practice their religion freely.

This is a link on how the jewish communauty thrived in South of Spain under the muslim rulers.


Anonymous said...

chere madame Simone melul,
je m'appelle Eldan(Danino) David
je suis le fils de Messody (Bensadon) Danino Z'L. de moshav Barak.vous me connaissait car nous nous sommes rencontres chez Sharon (Levy) Sinai a Haifa.pourriez vous me donner d'autres informations sur mon grand-pere Aaron Bensadon Z"L et son pere Eliahu Bensadon Z"L ?

Anonymous said...

Chere Mme Melul,
je suis tres heureux que vous avez ouvert ce blogger sur la famille Foinquinos.mon oncle Albert Bensadon Z"L avait detres bonnes relations avec la famille Foinquinos a Marseille et c'est grace a lui que nous avions des nouvelles sur la famille.je vus souhaite beaucoup de courage et de sante dans ce merveilleux projet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simone Foinquinos Lund said...

Hello Monsieur Eldan, Je suis Simone Foinquinos Lund et je publie ce blog avec l'aide de ma cousine Simone Foinquinos Melo et d'autres membres de la famille. Si vous voulez qu'on vous reponde, laissez votre email pour qu'on puisse vous contacter. Le monde est vraiment petit! Vous pouvez egalement ecrire qq chose si vous connaissiez personellement les Foinquinos a Marseille.